Papers on "International Journal of Production Management and Engineering"

De Antón, J.; Senovilla, J.J.; González, J.M.; Acebes, F.; Pajares, J., (2020). Production planning in 3DPrinting factories. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 8-2. Universitat Politècnica de València. ISSN: 2340-4876.


Agenjo, E.; Martín-Cruz, N.; Ruiz-Martín, C.; López-Paredes, A., (2018). Does CMMI Implementation affect the Performance of the Firm? An Evaluation from a Dynamic Capabilities Approach. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 6-2, pp.: 57-64. Universitat Politècnica de València. ISSN: 2340-4876.
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Ruiz-Martín, C.; López-Paredes, A.; Wainer, G., (2018). What we know and do not know about organizational resilience. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 6-1, pp.: 11-28. Universitat Politècnica de València. ISSN: 2340-4876.
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Morales-Allende, M.; Ruiz-Martín, C.; López-Paredes, A.; Pérez-Ríos, J., (2017). Aligning Organizational Pathologies and Organizational Resilience Indicators. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 5-2, pp.: 107-116. Universitat Politècnica de València. ISSN: 2340-4876.
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